Monday, May 3, 2010
Hind sight truly is 20/20
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Listen up, biotches (mood: hyped and happy)! Time to BLOG.
Posted by Ailora Blue at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: ailora, blog, his amber eyes, Twilight Saga Blog
Saturday, July 18, 2009
No More Sluts!

Therein lies the problem. He seems roguish. He's definitely ridiculously beautiful. And charming. And ornery. Put that all together and that spells heartbreak for many many women in his wake. All this and never been married at 38 years old? I think it's a safe assumption that Mr. Butler is a womanizer.
Good for him, and the millions of hunky manly men just like him. You know, the one's who are unattainable for any length of time for any woman, no matter what calibar lady she is. She could be an underwear model brain surgeon and only rate a passing blip on his radar. Still we, as the nurturing egg bearers, forgive them. It's our lot in life. Damn those hormones!
My point is this: we have wholly accepted those beefy scoundrels as they are, beautifully flawed. So why oh why do they not extend the same courtesy to the more *ahem* sexually zealous of us female counterparts? When any woman displays a healthy appetite for random, numerous partners, they are branded whores, harlots, sluts, skanks, tramps, loose, morally bankrupt and so on. The sad part is, it's not just men who brand women so, it's other women too!
I don't accept this, not at all. We should stand together and support one another's choice to monogamize or serialize just as men do. The first step is to let those hurtful misnomers fall out of use. No more whores. No more harlots or sluts!
From now on, let us be known as MANIZERS (minus the woe)!
Posted by Ailora Blue at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: gerard butler, hormones, loose, manizer, morals, sex, sluts, the ugly truth, whores, womanizer
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Master Groove Hot List - Week 4

Whatever nickname you know him by probably indicates which era in the enduring career of Frank Sinatra that you became aware of him. In His Way: The Unauthorized Biography of Frank Sinatra, I read that when he was singing with Tommy Dorsey's orchestra, Sinatra was mesmerized by Dorsey's breath control while playing the trombone. He relentlessly shadowed Dorsey to learn from him how to control his breathing to incorporate it into his singing. Frank even practiced breath holding underwater to elongate the time he could hold a note.
Of all the wonderful songs crooned by Sinatra, the pinnacle for me is 'Old Man River'. I simply cannot resist being swept along by his voice on the heart breaking journey of the lyrics. The command and control of his voice pulls me in every time I hear Old Man River. This is one of the rare songs that elicits such a reaction from me that I cry every time I hear Sinatra sing it. His rendition is so impeccable that I am forced to feel the emotion intended by the original writer. When Sinatra gets to the crescendo "I'm tired of living, but I'm scared of dying. And old man river, he just keeps rollin' along", the tears, they come.
So, no matter what you may think of Frank Sinatra the man, you gotta hand it over: That is power.
Posted by Ailora Blue at 6:19 AM 1 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Please Take This Advice From Myself
Posted by Ailora Blue at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Master Groove Hit List - Week 3

I've had this next entry into the Master Groove list on my mind here lately and I think my favorite song by him is more than worthy of making the list.
Michael BublĂ© did a remake of Feeling Good, a song written by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse for the 1965 musical The Roar of the Greasepaint—the Smell of the Crowd (thanks, Wikipedia). Although a few have attempted this wonderfully soulful song, I don't believe any before Buble has put the umph into it like Michael did. I kid you not, when I hear the first few cords of Michael's Feeling Good, my heart speeds up in anticipation of the amazing lyrical, vocal and melodical ride I'm about to go on.
So here's to that categorically cool (and cute, too!) Canadian crooner, Michael Bublé!
Posted by Ailora Blue at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Feeling Good, Hit List, Master Groove, Michael Buble
Monday, February 9, 2009
My Stars are Crossed?

Posted by Ailora Blue at 2:19 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Master Groove Hot List - Week 2

But lately there has been a magnetic, beautiful free spirited girl that is really defining who I am as a listener and inspiring the artist in me like no other. It's Sia Furler. This crazy, tell-it-like-it-is Australian gal whose heartbreakingly poignant voice haunts me. I'd be way remiss to not only include her on my Master Groove Hot List but to sprinkle her in many times.
Posted by Ailora Blue at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: Call Me When You're Sober, Day Too Soon, Evanescence, Hallelujah, hot list, Jeff Buckley, Just Like Heaven, Master Groove, music, playlist, Sia Furler, The Cure, video
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Master Groove Hot List - Week 1

Posted by Ailora Blue at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hit List, Lou Rawls, Master Groove, Week 1
The Body of Christ
Posted by Ailora Blue at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: bread, corpus christi, faith, memories, religion, spirituality, youth
Friday, November 21, 2008
It's like an Abercrombie Catalog in Here!
Hey, I want to share this Saturday Night Live skit. It's one of my favorites. It never fails to make me laugh out loud.
Posted by Ailora Blue at 1:46 PM 0 comments
First Post
Allow me to get the ball rolling so Blogspot doesn't tag my brand new blog as a potential spam. It's not spam, get over it!
I really have no pressing issues to share on this blog. I just want one for personal musings and observations. I have a Twilight Saga blog that keeps me content. Please go there and see it:
But sometimes a girl wants to rant in depth about stuff other than how damn hot Robert Pattinson is in his vampiric white face. Not often, but sometimes...
At any rate (I've never understood the actual, brake down definition of the expression 'at any rate' but we all understand it's common sentiments) this is my official introduction. If you want to look for this blog remember its because it's not like, or anything. My online 'handle' has been ailora blue or ailora for a long while now and I love the name so there you have it. It's unique as in I created it (maybe I should have let Stephenie Meyer borrow it for Breaking Dawn. You Twilighters know what I'm talking about.) Maybe if I ever change my name, I'll change it to that.
Okay gotta go for now. My doggies need to go pee pee.
Posted by Ailora Blue at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: ailora, blog, his amber eyes, twilight