Lou Rawls serenaded me digitally from across the airwaves. 'You'll Never Find Another Love' is my favorite song by the late Mr. Rawls and I thought right then it'd be criminal not to share it with you today. At that moment my brain said 'There's a ton of sexy voiced daddies (and mommas) out there that deserve some play'. That's when I got the bright idea to weekly post my favorites to this blog. I'll also be adding them to the Master Groove playlist over on the sidebar, so keep checking back as the master grooves pile up week after week!
I one time had heard on the local radio station that Mr. Rawls was playing near where I live but I didn't catch the when or where of it. I should have called in to ask because I really wanted to see a live performance. Sadly, about a year later on January 6, 2006 Mr. Rawls passed away so I never got a second chance to go see him. I know it would have been a special day to see him perform live.
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