I've always intended to 'get back to' this here blog. I created it at roughly the same time as I created this blog. But I also knew that at the time, the other blog would take precedence as it is seriously time sensitive. It is a Twilight Saga blog, and that means it's a ticking time bomb. Either I was going to lose interest in Twilight or I would run out of stuff to say about Twilight or the fourth movie would be made and then there just wouldn't be anything new to say about Twilight. Any one of those was immanent.
Don't get me wrong; I LOVE my other blog. And I'm danged proud of it too, so step off! I dare you to go peruse http://hisambereyes.blogspot.com and tell me there isn't some fine writing in there.. Somewhere. That was my first blog and I shall forever remember it fondly and blush mildly while replaying the highlights in my mind. Like a first kiss ...or a first shag.
I guess I had to do that blog to attempt this one. I needed finite subject matter. A blog without borders was just too intimidating back then. I have infrequently posted to this blog when there was some little story I wanted to tell you. Or when I stumbled upon some music so good, I had to document it's kickassery for posterity.
I have learned so much from doing the TSB (Twilight Saga Blog). I was a serious fledgling when I started out. Through the course of over 2 years of blogging I've learned to keep a tight schedule and I think I've found my voice as a writer. I also learned that I have to write. I have no choice, it's my passion. TSB has introduced me to what will be a lifelong love. I've become an actual story teller as well, thanks to TSB. And that is something I cannot forget because it is my calling: to make up ridiculous, unbelievable (and hopefully insidiously entertaining) stories, steeped in the supernatural. I am grateful to that Twilight blog!! So make fun of me if you will.
I plan on devoting myself to this blog every bit as much as I did the Twilight Saga blog. Because like some sage dude once said, "It truly is the journey, and not the destination."
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