Therein lies the problem. He seems roguish. He's definitely ridiculously beautiful. And charming. And ornery. Put that all together and that spells heartbreak for many many women in his wake. All this and never been married at 38 years old? I think it's a safe assumption that Mr. Butler is a womanizer.
Good for him, and the millions of hunky manly men just like him. You know, the one's who are unattainable for any length of time for any woman, no matter what calibar lady she is. She could be an underwear model brain surgeon and only rate a passing blip on his radar. Still we, as the nurturing egg bearers, forgive them. It's our lot in life. Damn those hormones!
My point is this: we have wholly accepted those beefy scoundrels as they are, beautifully flawed. So why oh why do they not extend the same courtesy to the more *ahem* sexually zealous of us female counterparts? When any woman displays a healthy appetite for random, numerous partners, they are branded whores, harlots, sluts, skanks, tramps, loose, morally bankrupt and so on. The sad part is, it's not just men who brand women so, it's other women too!
I don't accept this, not at all. We should stand together and support one another's choice to monogamize or serialize just as men do. The first step is to let those hurtful misnomers fall out of use. No more whores. No more harlots or sluts!
From now on, let us be known as MANIZERS (minus the woe)!