Friday, November 21, 2008

It's like an Abercrombie Catalog in Here!

Hey, I want to share this Saturday Night Live skit. It's one of my favorites. It never fails to make me laugh out loud.


First Post

Allow me to get the ball rolling so Blogspot doesn't tag my brand new blog as a potential spam. It's not spam, get over it!

I really have no pressing issues to share on this blog. I just want one for personal musings and observations. I have a Twilight Saga blog that keeps me content. Please go there and see it:

But sometimes a girl wants to rant in depth about stuff other than how damn hot Robert Pattinson is in his vampiric white face. Not often, but sometimes...

At any rate (I've never understood the actual, brake down definition of the expression 'at any rate' but we all understand it's common sentiments) this is my official introduction. If you want to look for this blog remember its because it's not like, or anything. My online 'handle' has been ailora blue or ailora for a long while now and I love the name so there you have it. It's unique as in I created it (maybe I should have let Stephenie Meyer borrow it for Breaking Dawn. You Twilighters know what I'm talking about.) Maybe if I ever change my name, I'll change it to that.

Okay gotta go for now. My doggies need to go pee pee.